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Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about the purr of a perfectly tuned engine or the sleek curves of a well-crafted car? If you answered yes then a career in the automotive industry might just be the landing spot for you. Let’s take the top off the convertible and let the breeze blow through our hair as we explore the different avenues of the automotive world and the benefits that com
The automotive industry is one of the most resilient industries in the world, with a diverse range of jobs available in different sectors. One of the most promising sectors within the automotive industry is the fixed operations department. This department deals with maintaining and repairing vehicles, and it offers numerous benefits to those who pursue a career in this field. Fixed operations job
Success in fixed ops requires a diverse set of skill sets to ensure quality customer service and efficient car repairs. A successful candidate will possess knowledge in business management, customer service, communication, and sales. Technical understanding is also highly valued in these roles, as the candidate should have a broad understanding of cars and be able to diagnose underlying issues qu
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